The check out form lets you select assets and/or parts (consumables) to check out:

What's in this form:
Checked out to : This field is required. It's the person who will be responsible for the assets and/or parts that will be checked out.
Job site : This field is optional. It will lets you select a job site to which the assets and/or parts are to be checked out. You will then be able to have a general view of which assets are located on a certain job site from the "Job sites" area :

Comments : Optional. Type some comments about the current check out operation.
"Assets to check out" tab :

This tab contains the list of assets to include in this check out operation. Click the

Please note that you can use the barcode scanner to quickly add assets. Just make sure that the focus is on the grid then scan the items you want to check out.
As you can see, there is two fields that are specific to the "Assets to check out" tab at the top of the grid:
- Set status to : Used to indicate the status you want the assets to have once the check out operation has been completed. Typically, you will want to have "Checked out" status here but you could also set "Out for repair" or any other custom status previously defined in the "Selection fields" area:
- Due return date : The date the asset is expected to be returned (checked in) by the person who checked it out. If it is not returned on time, a reminder will be created. The asset will then display in red in the asset's list and the "Reminders" button will start flashing.
"Parts to check out (consumables)" tab :This tab contains the list of consumable parts to include in this check out operation. Click the
button to add parts to this list. The list of inventory parts will appear so you can select the ones you want to check out:
Please note that you can use the barcode scanner to quickly add parts. Just make sure that the focus is on the grid then scan the items you want to check out.
When you use the barcode scanner to add parts or when you add only one part at a time, a popup will ask you to enter the quantity you want to check out. If you select and add more than one part from this window, all the parts will be added with a quantity of "1". You can change the quantity by just double clicking the row to edit:

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