Vehicle Fleet Manager 4.0 allows you to create Work Orders easily. You can generate them from the "Service Schedule" or you can create them manually.
The structure of a Work Order :
A work order can contains multiple services to perform. And those services can contains multiple items like parts, labor, etc. Here is an example of a work order which contains 3 services ("Oil change", "Rotate tires" and "Check coolant") :
Creating a Work Order manually :
You can create work orders from the global management section :
Or you can select a vehicle and use the "Work Orders" tab to create a work order for a selected vehicle :
The "Work Orders" tab show all the work orders created for the selected vehicle. The grid at the top contains the work orders, the grid at the bottom left contains the services to perform that are related to the selected work order, and the grid at the bottom right contains the items related to the selected service to perform:
You can also display an "Attached files" grid so you can attach files to a work order. To do so, just right click the "Work Orders" grid and use this menu :
Convert a work order to a "Completed service"
When a work order is completed, you can convert it to a "Completed service". The status of the work order must be set to "Closed" before you can convert it to a completed service :
When you select a closed work order, the "Convert to 'Completed service'" button is enabled so just select the work order you want to convert and click the button. A message will pop up, letting you know that one or many completed service(s) will be created :
You will be asked to enter the servicing date. Then, after you click ok, the completed service(s) will be created. One completed service will be created for each "service to perform" item in the work order. So if there was three service to perform in the selected work order, then three completed services will be created:
Creating a Work Order from the service schedule :
You can use the service schedule to create work orders. So when some services are due, you can convert them to one or more work orders directly. Just select the services you want to convert and use the "Convert to 'Work order'" button :
You will be asked to enter some infos about the work order you are about to create :
Save the info and that's it, you have a brand new work order with all the services already populated :
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