Please note that VIN Decoding primarily function on vehicles sold in North America since 1996 and have coverage for similar vehicles sold in other countries.
It's now possible to retrieve maintenance schedules using the VIN of a vehicle. You will be allowed to export the maintenance items to Excel or add them directly to the Service Reminders of the vehicle! What a time saver!
The maintenance is both OEM scheduled maintenance and additional maintenance items that may not be part of an OEM's regular schedule.
How to retrieve Maintenance Schedules from VINs
Go to the Details view of a vehicle...
The from the "Service Reminders" dropdown, click on the "Decode Maintenance From VIN" menu...
You will be warned about the number of credits this operation will take. Decoding a Maintenance Schedule cost 20 credits, which corresponds to $0,40 ($0,02/credit). You can purchase credits from the "Billing & Subscription" menu here :
The warning you will get regarding the cost of the decoding operation...
If for some reason the VIN cannot be decoded, no credits will be taken from your account and you will see a notification similar to this:
You may want to check that there is no mistake in the VIN of the vehicle. You can edit the VIN by clicking here:
If the operation goes well and the VIN is correctly decoded, you will see a window similar to this:
You will be allowed to either...
- Use this button to export data to MS Excel:
- Or use this button to add the selected maintenance items to the Service Reminders of the vehicle:
If you choose to add the selected maintenance items as Service Reminders, here is what will happen:
- Fleet Manager Mobile will scan each selected maintenance item and check if a corresponding Service Reminder item already exist for this vehicle. If that's the case, the application will skip this maintenance item to avoid duplication. The comparison is based on the description and meter recurrence.
- Fleet Manager Mobile will scan each selected maintenance item and check if a corresponding Service Item already exist in the database. If no corresponding Service Item is be found, a new one is automatically created so it can be associated with the Service Reminder that will be created at next step. Again, the comparison is based on the description and meter recurrence.
- A new Service Reminder is created using the description and meter recurrence of the maintenance item.
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