TIP: See the explanation of maintenance terminology in the Terminology : Service Items, Service Templates, Service Reminders, Completed Services, Issues, Work Orders article.
Service Reminders helps you remember to perform Service Tasks on recurring interval. For example, it can remind you to change oil on a vehicle every 5,000 miles or check the tire's air pressure every 2 weeks. An email notification can be sent to selected Subscribers when a Service Reminder is "Overdue" or "Due Soon". You can also have a global view of the Service Reminders from the Dashboard.
Preventative Maintenance Schedules
While you can access the list of Service Reminders of your whole fleet from the main menu here...:
...it's often easier to work from the Service Reminders list of a single vehicle. You can access the Service Reminders of a vehicle through the Details of the vehicle. To access the Details of a vehicle...
Then access the list of Service Reminders from here:
Add Service Reminders
There is three different methods to add Service Reminders:
- Add a one-time reminder: Add a service reminder that is set to occur only once. This type of reminder can be triggered based on date only, meter is not considered. You will be prompted to
- Select the vehicle (when working from the Details of a vehicle, the current vehicle will be selected by default).
- Choose the Technician who will be in charge of those reminders (optional).
- Set a next due date.
- Add reminders using the list of Service Items: Add multiple Service Reminders at once using the list of existing Service Items. You will be prompted to
- Select the vehicle (when working from the Details of a vehicle, the current vehicle will be used).
- Select the Service Item(s) to add.
- Choose the Technician who will be in charge of those reminders (optional).
- In case the vehicle has a secondary meter, select which meter (primary or secondary) those reminders should be affected to.
- Enter the next due date and meter for these Service Reminders.
- Add reminders using a Service Template: Add multiple Service Reminders at once using the list of existing Service Templates. You will be prompted to
- Select the vehicle (when working from the Details of a vehicle, the current vehicle will be used).
- Select the Service Template(s) to add. All Service Items associated with the selected Service Template(s) will be added to the Service Reminders of the vehicle.
- Choose the Technician who will be in charge of those reminders (optional).
- In case the vehicle has a secondary meter, select which meter (primary or secondary) those reminders should be affected to.
- Enter the next due date and meter for these Service Reminders.
Add Details to a Service Reminder
After the creation of a Service Reminder, you can add the following details to it:
- Parts: Parts that are to be installed on the vehicle or "consumed" during this service.
- Labor: The time it should take your Technician(s) to complete this service.
- Misc.: Miscellaneous expenses that are to be incurred for completion of this service.
- Documents: Any document (invoice, photos, etc.) that are associated with this specific Service Reminder.
When you will resolve this reminder by converting it to a Completed Service or Work Order, those details will be copied to the new record so you wont have to type those manually afterward. It will help you keep track expenses and generate complete and accurate reports.
To access the Details view of a Service Reminder, either use the Details button...
...or right-click the Service Reminder line and use the contextual menu:
At the bottom of the Details view, you will find an area to fill out the details previously mentioned:
- Add Parts: Use the New button to add parts to the Service Reminder. The following Edit form will appear:
- Part: Select the required part. The dropdown list contains the list of parts available in the Parts Inventory.
TIP: Use the "Find" button to show up a grid that will help you to quickly find the part you are looking for, or use the "New" button to create a new part.
- Qty: Type in how many of this part is required for the Service Reminder.
- Unit cost: The cost of the part. It is set automatically with the last cost of the part. You can update the price of the part in the inventory by using this button:
- Reference: A reference intended for internal use.
- Note: A space to enter a note or comments about the part.
- Part: Select the required part. The dropdown list contains the list of parts available in the Parts Inventory.
- Add Labor: Use the New button to add labor entries to the Service Reminder.The following Edit form will appear:
- Technician: Select the Technician that is likely to perform the labor for this Labor entry. You can leave it blank if you dont know which technician will perform the service. You will be allowed to change this anytime. The dropdown list contains the list of persons available in your Personnel.
TIP: Use the "Find" button to show up a grid that will help you to quickly find the person you are looking for, or use the "New" button to create a new person.
- Hours: The number of hours expected for this labor entry. Decimal values are allowed.
- Cost/hr: The cost per hour rate for the selected Technician. You can set the cost manually if you did not select a Technician previously. This field, along with the "Hours" field, will give you the cost of this labor entry. By default, it corresponds to the "Hourly wage" value set for the selected Technician.
- Reference: A reference intended for internal use.
- Note: A space to enter a note or comments about this labor entry.
- Technician: Select the Technician that is likely to perform the labor for this Labor entry. You can leave it blank if you dont know which technician will perform the service. You will be allowed to change this anytime. The dropdown list contains the list of persons available in your Personnel.
- Add Misc. Entry: Use the New button to add a miscellaneous expense entry to the Service Reminder. Misc. entries are intended for any expenses that are not parts or labor.
- Description: A description of the fee.
- Qty.: Type a quantity if it's applicable, if not, leave to "1".
- Unit cost: The unit cost. This, along with the "Qty" field, will give you the cost of this misc. entry.
- Reference: A reference intended for internal use.
- Note: A space to enter a note or comments about this misc. entry.
- Add Documents: Use this tab to attach documents to this specific Service Reminder. Documents may be photos, invoices, reports from external vendors, etc. Use the new button to add one or more documents. This panel will appear, letting you select documents from different sources:
Edit Service Reminders
Once a Service Reminder has been created, it can always be modified by either...
The Edit form will appear, letting you modify any settings of the Service Reminder:
Email Notifications
Fleet Manager Mobile will send Email Notifications to Subscribed Users when a Service Reminder is Due Soon and/or Overdue. To add Subscribers to Service Reminders, you have to use this link:
The list of registered users will appear, letting you select who should be notified when the Service Reminder is Due Soon or Overdue. See the Add Subscribers to Service Reminders article for details on how to manage Subscribers.
Resolve a Service Reminder
A Service Reminder will display an Overdue or Due Soon status when the due date or meter is reached, based on the parameters you have entered above.
There is a few way you can reset a Service Reminder:
- Convert the Service Reminder to a Completed Service. You can select more than one Service Reminder for multiple conversion at the same time. This action will create new Completed Service(s) and update the next due date and next due meter of the Service Reminder(s). Before the conversion, you will be prompted for:
- The date the service was completed.
- The meter at the time of servicing.
- The technician who was in charge of the service. By default, the technician that is already set for the Service Reminder will be selected. (Optional)
- The vendor who was in charge of this service. (Optional)
- A reference number for the new Completed Service. (Optional)
- Convert the Service Reminder to a Work Order. You can select more than one Service Reminder for multiple conversion at the same time but as only one Work Order will be created at once, you need to select Service Reminders that are all associated with the same vehicle. This action will create a Work Order with multiple Services to perform (one for each Service Reminder). Service Reminders next due date and next due meter will be updated. Before the conversion, you will be prompted for:
- The date the Work Order was created or completed.
- The meter at the time of servicing.
- The technician who was in charge of the service. By default, the technician that is already set for the Service Reminder will be selected. (Optional)
- The vendor who was in charge of this service. (Optional)
- A description for the new Work Order. (Optional)
- A reference number for the Work Order. (Optional)
- Skip the Service Reminder. You can select more than one Service Reminder for this action. No Completed Service or Work Order will be created. Only the Service Reminder(s) next due date and next due meter will be updated.
All those three actions can be performed using either the Action button:
Or using the contextual menu (right-click on the grid):
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